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Program FOCUS

Program FOCUS calculates the electric and magnetic fields in the vicinity of the astigmatic lens focus after the technique of Richards and Wolf (this is not a lens design program). All input and output is via text on screen or files on disk. The incident light may have linear, circular, elliptical, radial, or azimuthal polarization and may illuminate the lens uniformly or with a Gaussian intensity profile. The algorithm is described in detail in the accompanying 27 page manual.


Currently shipping only within U.S.


Calculation parameters

Contour plots of Ex, Ey, and Ez field amplitudes (shown below) 0.2 microns behind the focal plane for incident light polarized along the x-axis.

Ex field for incident x polarization
Ey field for incident x polarization
Ez field for incident x polarization

Radial and longitudinal electric field in the focal plane for incident radial polarization.

Er field for incident radial polarization
Ez field for incident radial polarization
Calculation parameters
Spot size vs. lens NA

FWHM focused spot diameter as a function of numerical aperture.

*Note: all plots are generated using commercial graphics software from the text data output of the program.

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